Friday 14 September 2012

Jala Pezza - PsudoCode

Now that the PsudoCode is done and out of the way,  I can finally begin the actually Jala Pezza Ordering System soon!

Calculate Button
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Perform the following commands when the ‘Calculate’ button is clicked…

Dim sngCost As Single
        sngCost = 8
Defines the single cost as $8

         If chkJalapeno.Checked = True Then
            sngCost = sngCost + 1.0
        End If
If ‘Jalapeno Pepper’ is checked add $1 to the single cost
        If chkChillie.Checked = True Then
            sngCost = sngCost + 0.8
        End If
If ‘Chillies and Spices’ is checked add 80c to the single cost 
        If chkPrawns.Checked = True Then
            sngCost = sngCost + 1.0
        End If
If ‘Prawns’ is checked add $1 to the single cost
       If chkCheese.Checked = True Then
            sngCost = sngCost + 0.5
        End If
If ‘Extra Cheese’ is checked add 50c to the single cost
If nbrPizza.Text = "" Then
            nbrPizza.Text = 1
        End If
       If the ‘number of pizzas’ is blank, change it so the number "1" appears in the 'Numeric Up and Down' and calculate the price as for 1 pizza.
         sngCost = txtNumber.Text * sngCost
Defines the total cost as ‘total single cost (after the toppings were added) multiplied by the number of pizzas ordered’.

         lblPrice.Text = Format(sngCost, "Currency")
Gives the total cost in currency format and displays it in the 'total price' label

Clear Button
Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click
Complete the following action when the ‘Clear’ button is clicked…
rbnHot.Checked = True
Check ‘Hot and Spicy’ from the pizza flavours menu

        chkJalapeno.Checked = False
If ‘Jalapeno Pepper’ is checked, uncheck it
         chkChillie.Checked = False
If ‘Chillies and Spices’ is checked, uncheck it
         chkPrawns.Checked = False
If ‘Prawns’ is checked, uncheck it  
        chkCheese.Checked = False
If ‘Extra Cheese’ is checked, uncheck it
txtNumber.Text = 1
Set the default number of pizzas to 1
lblPrice.Text = "$0.00"
Set the default price to $0.00

This is the PsudoCode for my Pizza Ordering program. I excluded coding for the exit button as it was just simply "End". Anyway, with that we are at the end of the preparation required to begin the program. My next post will cover and display the finished pizza ordering program. Hope to see you then!
                                                                ~PsudoCode Complete~

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