Friday 14 September 2012

Jala Pezza Pizza Ordering - Visual Basic

Its time folks!! My second visual basic program is complete!!!! The Jala Pezza Pizza Ordering is finally ready for use. Take a look!


The Jala Pezza Pizza Ordering is a program/system that calculates the total cost for your preferred pizza order. You may enter the number of pizzas wanted, the chosen flavour and the chosen toppings. The program can calculate up to 100 pizzas in quantity. You may also enter none or all the different topping you need however, the program is only able to calculate one flavour at a time.

Code for the Clear Button

When the clear button is clicked, all the options return to their defaults.

The 'Calculate' button is the most important in the program and has the most code. This picture shows you the exact code used for the calculate button. It also shows the code for the end button (at the bottom).

The Jala Pezza Program has been tested numerous times by many and have received outstanding compliments!
"Finally an easy program that helps with our pizza sales. The simplicity allows us to put it online and our online customers have greatly increased. I must give my Thanks to the creator for the creation of this program: its simply amazing"
- Frank Brighanti. Australi's Best Pizza Chef 

                                      ~ Jala Pezza Pizza Ordering by Sahan :D ~

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