Friday 21 September 2012

Multimedia Developer - Cover Letter

To Ms Blyth;

RE: Application for the position of a Multimedia Developer

I have been considering applying for a job in this position for a while now, and it is with great interest that I ask you to consider me as a possible candidate for the position of a Multimedia Developer.
As a current year 10 student studying at Brentwood Secondary College, I have learned the skills and knowledge that is needed to be a successful Multimedia Developer. Someone at this position would need to be creative, able to work in a team and also be able to think logically.  I personally believe that I can ‘fill the cup’ as I have creative, technical and logical skills.

During the past I have worked in countless group tasks and achieved well over satisfactory marks. Just last year I also undertook an IT Multimedia subject as part of my studies and achieve outstanding results. My neat and tidy ways and well as my obsession for perfection can be seen  by looking at my notebook alone. I also have a keen interest in multimedia products and research and keep up-to-date on them during my spare time.

During Unit 1 and 2 IT I have learned much more and have been able to improve upon my skills in this area. As an example, I have been able to increase and maintain my communications skills when we were put into groups during Outcome 3 in Unit 1. I have also dramatically improved on my technical and logical thinking through the various case studies given, especially during Outcome 2 Unit 1. 

Overall, I through my past experiences that I am a very creative, technical and logical thinking person that is an exceptional choice for the role of a Multimedia Developer.

Sahan Wijayarathne

Thursday 20 September 2012

Careers in IT

Visual Basic is over so i thought i shall look at the careers available in IT. I made a short 10 question quiz which i would be glad if you could take.

Link to the Quiz - Which IT Career Best Suits You

                                                       ~Please take the Quiz~

Rock Paper and Scissors Power Play

After a slight technical delay my Rock Paper and Scissors Visual Basic game is ready to be displayed. After discovering that 'commas' cannot be used in the title of a program as well as redoing the program 4 times, it has been completed!


Rock Paper and Scissors is just a game to kill time that lets you play the classic ' rock, paper or scissors' game electronically. The interface is simple and clean allowing anyone to pick it up and play. Like the original game you are able to choose from the 3 classic options rock, paper or scissors. Upon getting your game of luck correct you earn a point and a comment is displayed. Upon loosing a round the enemy gets a point and a taunt is displayed.


The game ends when either the player or the CPU reach a score of 10. When the of 10 is reached a message box is displayed with the text varying if you win the game or lose the game. Upon leaving the game you may choose to continue to play a now never ending game of rock paper and scissors, reset the game and start over, or simply quit for then.

The Reset Button

When the reset button is clicked the game returns to its defaults - the way it looked when the program was opened.

The Help Box

When the "Help?" button is clicked a message box opens explaining how to play the simple game. Upon  pressing "ok" you resume playing.

With the end of the Rock Paper and Scissors Visual Basic game also comes the end of my adventures with visual basic until a very later date. However, now that visual basic is out of the way I can finally bring you my cover-letter and a link to a quiz I made, both concerning careers in IT.

Well Good Bye Visual Basic! I'll Miss You!!!
                        ~Rock Paper and Scissors Power Play Complete *D~

Monday 17 September 2012

Rock, Paper and Scissors - PsudoCode

Finally, with the PsudoCode out of the way, the actual development of Rock, Paper and Scissors visual basic may begin. 

Paper Button
Private Sub btnPaper_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPaper.Click
When the “Paper” button is clicked…

        If lblHScore.Text = "10" Then
            MsgBox("Congradulations!" & vbCrLf & "You have defeated the Artificial Beings and brought peace to our lands." & vbCrLf & "THANK YOU")
        End If
IF the players score is “10”, display a congratulations Massage box with the inputted comment.

        If lblCScore.Text = "10" Then
            MsgBox("Ooooops!" & vbCrLf & "It looks like you have been beaten by Artificial Beings!" & vbCrLf & "You have caused the downfall of HUMANITY")
        End If
If the computers score is “10”, display a failure Massage box with the inputted message.

        pxtHuman.ImageLocation = "D:\Users\wij0006\Documents\ZZZ\School\IT\Programming and Pathways\Papper, Scissors and Rock\Human Paper.png"
Display the picture of paper

        pxtComp.ImageLocation = Int(Rnd() * 3 + 1)
        Select Case pxtComp
Select a random number from 1 - 3
            Case "1"
                pxtComp.ImageLocation = "D:\Users\wij0006\Documents\ZZZ\School\IT\Programming and Pathways\Papper, Scissors and Rock\AI Paper.png"
If random number “1”, display picture of paper as Computers choice.
            Case "2"
                pxtComp.ImageLocation = "D:\Users\wij0006\Documents\ZZZ\School\IT\Programming and Pathways\Papper, Scissors and Rock\AI Rock.png"
If random number “2”, display picture of rock as Computers choice.
            Case "3"
                pxtComp.ImageLocation = "D:\Users\wij0006\Documents\ZZZ\School\IT\Programming and Pathways\Papper, Scissors and Rock\AI Scissors.png"
If random picture “3”, display picture of Scissors as Computers choice.

        End Select

        If pxtComp.ImageLocation = "D:\Users\wij0006\Documents\ZZZ\School\IT\Programming and Pathways\Papper, Scissors and Rock\AI Rock.png" Then
            lblHScore.Text = lblHScore.Text + 1
            lblComment.Text = "YOu WIN!" & vbCrLf & "Have a Point"
        End If
If the Computers image is Rock, add +1 to humans score and display comment in comment label
        If pxtComp.ImageLocation = "D:\Users\wij0006\Documents\ZZZ\School\IT\Programming and Pathways\Papper, Scissors and Rock\AI Scissors.png" Then
            lblCScore.Text = lblCScore.Text + 1
            lblComment.Text = "YOU LOSE!" & vbCrLf & "Very Predictable"
        End If
If the Computers image is Scissors add +1 to the Computers score and display comment in Comment label
        If pxtComp.ImageLocation = "D:\Users\wij0006\Documents\ZZZ\School\IT\Programming and Pathways\Papper, Scissors and Rock\AI Paper.png" Then
            lblComment.Text = "A DRAW?!" & vbCrLf & "Well, that was unexpected"
        End If
If the Computers image is Paper, display comment in comment label

    End Sub

This code is also repeated for the “Rock” and “Scissors” buttons but is altered according to the rules.

Reset Button
    Private Sub btnReset_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click
When the “Reset” button is clicked perform the following tasks…
        lblHScore.Text = "0"
       Change players score to equal “0”
        lblCScore.Text = "0"
       Change computers score to equal “0”
        lblComment.Text = "Make you move"
       Change comment in comment label to read “Make your move”

        pxtHuman.ImageLocation = "D:\Users\wij0006\Documents\ZZZ\School\IT\Programming and Pathways\Papper, Scissors and Rock\Starter Human.png"
Change the human picture to the starter picture
        pxtComp.ImageLocation = "D:\Users\wij0006\Documents\ZZZ\School\IT\Programming and Pathways\Papper, Scissors and Rock\Starter Comp.png"
Change the computer picture to the starter picture
    End Sub

Help Button
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        MsgBox("How to Play" & vbCrLf & "Click 1 of the 3 buttons (rock, paper or scissors) to use your weapon of choice for that round, if you win you get a point and if you lose the computer gets a point. A draw will cause no points to be awarded." & vbCrLf & "The game ends when either you or the computer reaches 10 points." & vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf & "Rules" & vbCrLf & "Paper beats Rock. Rock beats Scissors and Scissors beat Paper")
    End Sub
Display the following message in a message box when the “Help” button is clicked.

Once again  I have left out coding for the Exit button due to just the single word: End. Make note that I have not included the PsudoCode for the "Rock" and "Scissors" buttons as it is nearly an exact match to the "Paper" button with slight alteration such as which point is given to who and which comment is displayed when.
                                                             ~PsudoCode Complete~

Rock, Paper and Scissors - T.O.E Chart

The Rock, Paper and Scissors program is escalating quickly and the T.O.E Chart has been completed. Yet again, my O.T.E Chart has been completed.

Displays the Heading
Rock Button
Changes player picture to rock and generates random number to determine CPU answer. Adds a point to either the CPU or Player depending and displays a comment on the outcome
Paper Button
Changes player picture to paper and generates random number to determine CPU answer. Adds a point to either the CPU or Player depending and displays a comment on the outcome
Scissors Button
Changes player picture to scissors and generates random number to determine CPU answer. Adds a point to either the CPU or Player and displays a comment depending on the outcome
Comment Label
Displays comments in comment label depending on the outcome
Human Score Label
Adds +1 point every time the player wins a round
Computer Score Label
Add  +1 point every time the computer wins a round
Reset Button
Clears scores and changes text in comment label
Help Button
Opens a Message box and displays inputted message
Exit Button
Exits/Closes the program

Wow, just realized that with this my Rock, Paper and Scissors program is nearly at the development stage, and the end of this program means the end of my Visual Basic adventures. Oh well, this is my O.T.E which contains all the major buttons in the game and the event that will arise from using them.
                                                        ~T.O.E  (O.E.T) Chart Complete~

Rock, Paper and Scissors - Layout Diagram

For my third and final Visual Basic piece i have decided to program a Rock, Paper and Scissors game and the Layout Diagram for it has been completed.

For those who do not know, Rock, Paper and Scissors is a fun chance/luck based game where you either draw Rock, Paper or Scissors. My version of Rock, Paper and Scissors ends after either the CPU or Player reaches a score of 10. I look forward to posting my T.O.E Chart soon.
                                                    ~Layout Diagram Complete~

Friday 14 September 2012

Jala Pezza Pizza Ordering - Visual Basic

Its time folks!! My second visual basic program is complete!!!! The Jala Pezza Pizza Ordering is finally ready for use. Take a look!


The Jala Pezza Pizza Ordering is a program/system that calculates the total cost for your preferred pizza order. You may enter the number of pizzas wanted, the chosen flavour and the chosen toppings. The program can calculate up to 100 pizzas in quantity. You may also enter none or all the different topping you need however, the program is only able to calculate one flavour at a time.

Code for the Clear Button

When the clear button is clicked, all the options return to their defaults.

The 'Calculate' button is the most important in the program and has the most code. This picture shows you the exact code used for the calculate button. It also shows the code for the end button (at the bottom).

The Jala Pezza Program has been tested numerous times by many and have received outstanding compliments!
"Finally an easy program that helps with our pizza sales. The simplicity allows us to put it online and our online customers have greatly increased. I must give my Thanks to the creator for the creation of this program: its simply amazing"
- Frank Brighanti. Australi's Best Pizza Chef 

                                      ~ Jala Pezza Pizza Ordering by Sahan :D ~