Friday 31 August 2012

Jala Pezza - Layout Diagram

With the start of a new month comes the start of a new task. The Layout Diagram for the Jala Pezza Ordering System is complete (to an extent)

Only 4 pizza flavours and extra toppings were put in the Layout due to the lack of space and convenience. Also, the name 'Jala Pezza' was chosen due to my love of Jalapenos in pizza.
                                                ~Jala Pezza Layout Complete~

Magic 8 Ball Visual Basic

WooHoo!!! Finally the Magic 8 Ball project is complete!!!! After endless days of torture it is finally time to relax and do must you can until your freedom is robbed from you once again!


The Magic 8 Ball is designed to predict the future from a random series (15) of answers. Upon entering a question and clicking the 'shake' button, the Magic 8 Ball displays an answer below the words "I Predict". This version containing 15 possible answers allows the results to vary from "Yes" to "Too Sleepy... to Answer".

For those interested in how this thing works, the code intRandom = Int(Rnd( ) *15 + 1) is telling the program to select a random number from 0 - 14. The +1 indicates that the numbers range from 1-15 not 0-14. The bit of coding above that ensures that the program chooses the random number when the btnShake (shake button)  is clicked. Case "1" - lblAnswer.Text = "Not Sure" is the coding that chooses the answer. It tells the program that if the random number is "1" it displays "Not Sure" as the answer, "2" displays "Yes" and so on. With the program running you may ask it any sort of questions.

Example; (not to be taken seriously...)

Q). Is Mrs. Blyth an awsome teacher?
A). What do you think? Obviously!

Sahan's Magic 8 Ball has been tested by numerous humans (not robots) to ensure it is in full working condition for its big opening on 25/12.

*Warning - The Magic 8 Ball should not be used as a tool to decide on your daily choices or to get important answers for your problems. Doing such can lead to 'difficulties' arising in your life which can extend to the ultimate consequence: Death*

Now that the Magic 8 Ball project has finally come to its end we are given the privilege to live our lives in peace, until further work needs to be given priority.

                                                ~ Magic 8 Ball by Sahan =D ~

Magic 8 Ball - PsudoCode

Well now the possible 'future predictions' on the Magic 8 Ball project has finally ended and the PsudoCode has been typed!

Generate a random response and display it in the answer label.
On button “SHAKE” click
Generate random number between 1-8
If random number - 1
Display “NOT SURE” in label “answer”
If random number - 2
Display “YES” in label “answer”
If random number - 3
Display “MAYBE” in label “answer”
If random number - 4
Display “WITHOUT A DOUBT” in label “answer”
If random number - 5
Display “NO WAY” in label “answer”
If random number - 6
Display “TOO SLEEPY... TO ANSWER” in label “answer”
If random number - 7
Display “NO ONE CARES” in label “answer”
If random number - 8
Display “ONLY I KNOW… and you will never find out” in label “answer”        
If random number - 9
Display “I have more IMPORTANT work to do” in label “answer”
If random number - 10
Display “WHAT DO YOU THINK? CLEARLY NOT!” in label “answer”
If random number - 11
Display “GO ASK SOMEONE ELSE” in label “answer”
If random number - 12
Display “HOW DARE YOU ASK ME SUCH A THING” in label “answer”  
If random number - 13
Display “WHY WASTE MY TIME WITH SUCH GARBAGE” in label “answer”
If random number - 14
Display “WELL, OF COURSE!” in label “answer”
If random number - 15
Display “WATCHING MLP ATM…” in label “answer”

Well that is my 15 possible response long PsudoCode.  These are the best answers I came up with, but any suggestions are always welcome. Also, this means my next post will contain the finished product, cant wait to show ya'll.
                                                      ~PsudoCode Complete~

Magic 8 Ball - T.O.E Chart

Well the next stage of the Magic 8 Ball project has ended, and the T.O.E Chart is ready to be displayed!

No Task
Displays the Heading
Type the Question
Displays the users Question
Shake Button
Click the Button
Displays randomly generated answer in the ‘answer label’
Answer Label
Let the Magic begin
Displays random answer depending on the random number
Exit Button
Click the Button
Closes and Exits the Program

Personally I have no idea why this is called a T.O.E Chart as according to this example it should be an O.T.E Chart.... Then again, that would not have the same ring to it as a T.O.E Chart. Well, at least it displays the appropriate data and that is the most important aspect.
                                                   ~T.O.E (O.T.E) Chart Complete~

Magic 8 Ball - Layout Diagram

After a long wait the Layout Diagram for the long awaited Magic 8 Ball project is complete!

All the designing is complete and you will soon be able to predict your future, hope you like this design.
Until next time.....
                                                   ~ Layout Diagram Complete ~

Monday 13 August 2012

Hard Core Gaming Legends

Shigeru Miayamoto

A tribute for the legendary game designer responsible for hardcore games like Mario and Zelda!

                                                                        : D
                                                                       Sahan Wij